
The Lumberjack Overalls

Have you ever imagined what is the most difficult job in America or Canada? If you are a lumberjack, you can understand it better. Working in nature, far from urban life, that sums up the work of a lumberjack . The rough surface of the terrain and the high weight of the logs make logging a real challenge for humans. The loggers are located away from the main towns and villages and earn their living in the wild .

In ancient times, logging was much more delicate and difficult than today. There were no machines or advanced tools. Lumberjacks used to cut tall and wide trees like the mountain ash with methods of which they have the secret. Many people joined forces to cut down a single large tree, with the danger of the trunks falling on them.

New inventions have benefited loggers. Wood chippers, pendulum machines, loaders, skidders made things easier and made this physical work easier and less dangerous. But all of these machines, harvesters and knuckle-boom loaders are two important machines for loggers.

1 - The Lumberjack Job?

A lumberjack has several types of work to do in his daily life, including:

- Cut down trees

- Deal with the biggest trees in the forest

- Cut logs

- Transport these logs to the warehouse

- Take care of the health of the trees.

After transporting the logs to the storage location, they can have many destinations depending on their needs, including:

- Paper mills

- Sawmills.

Logging is therefore not a specific task but a complete process accompanied by logistics. Each stage of logging is a challenge for these extreme workers.

1-1. Why Do Lumberjacks Need to be Well Equipped?

Tasks such as felling trees, placing large trunks in logs, stacking them, and then transferring them are difficult and dangerous. To carry out all these steps, a logger must be well equipped and have the necessary equipment.

- He must have a suitable outfit

- The necessary tools in his pocket

- Great freedom of movement for handling machines and cutting trees.

A logger must have an axe, warning tape, a medical kit in case of emergency because there are no hospitals near the forests. In addition, heavy machinery is essential. Skidding are heavy machines and vehicles used to process tree trunks and transport logs from cutting sites to sawmills or stores.

A woodcutter must be well equipped because he is far from the routine of daily life. There are no special facilities near their place of work. They should equip themselves with safety equipment because injuries from fallen trees and heavy machinery can make life difficult.

1-2. Lumberjack Clothing Requirements

Manipulating nature is a stigma in itself. And dealing with heavy machinery and large logs is another expertise. But to do all that tough work, a lumberjack needs to feel good about himself. Each job has different dress requirements. The appropriate attire for a specific job depends on:

- the working environment

- the type of work to be done

In offices where you are in your comfort zone, fitted shirts and coats are fine. In other jobs like construction, engineering, plumbing, and other craft trades, etc., you need durable and comfortable clothing . The same goes for woodcutters; a specific dress code is essential for loggers. The plaid fleece shirt, also known as lumberjacks, is primarily associated with lumberjacks. The outfit of the loggers must be:

- Stretch

- Sustainable

- Offering great freedom of movement

Lumberjack Work Overalls

2 - The Lumberjacks and La Salopette

Depending on the working conditions, overalls are the best clothing choice for loggers . The work of loggers is extremely difficult and dangerous. Environmental conditions lead them to choose garments with remarkable durability and flexibility . From this point of view, overalls are the best outfit for lumberjacks.

Shirt with overalls:

Lumberjack shirts are famous by this name because they are usually made of flannel. They are checkered in red, blue or black. You can pair them with dungarees and it gives an authentic and natural style that has an effect in the fashion world as well.

For safety reasons, loggers combine many accessories with overalls.

Boots :

Sturdy boots are a necessary piece of equipment in the harsh environment of the forest. There may be floods, swamps and mud in the workplace. It would be best if you choose a pair of boots that are:

- Comfortable

- Ensure the safety of your feet

- Raincoats

- Resistant to oil and

- Non-slip

- Keep your feet on the mud.

Hat :

There are many choices when it comes to headgear. You can buy :

- a helmet with both earmuffs and a front screen

- a cap or a black docker

You can buy separately the glasses and the earmuffs which are essential in this trade.

Gloves :

Many types of gloves are available for loggers in online stores. You can check what suits you best.

Pouch or wedging kit:

If you need more pockets to organize your little tolls, then a wedge pocket is also handy. So you can store your tools thoughtfully in your bags. Not to mention the many storage pockets offered by the Overalls Lumberjack .

3 - The Benefits of Overalls for Lumberjacks

Overalls are the style of clothing that has many advantages not only for loggers but also for other professionals.

Flexible :

Many companies make overalls for professionals. Jobs such as logging require clothing made of flexible and stretchable materials. Overalls are mostly made from stretch jeans. This makes La Salopette comfortable and durable, essential when handling chainsaws and axes on a daily basis. Additionally, the suppleness of denim makes it an ideal choice for loggers when working on rough surfaces.

Sustainable :

Clothing intended for rough and difficult work must be durable. Overalls are durable and hard-wearing garments . Overalls with good material can withstand rains, hard knocks, dust, sweat and daily use.

Suitable for all weather conditions:

Whether it's winter, summer or rain, La Salopette are perfect for all weather conditions. The material of the garment provides protection. In summer, ordinary cotton overalls do the trick, while for winter, denim overalls are a must.

Ideal for keeping hand tools:

Although the dungarees make it less necessary to use an extra pouch to store your accessories, you can still buy one if you need it. Side pockets and oversized pockets make it more useful. You can store small tools such as warning tape, a hatchet, a small pocket first aid kit. The suspenders of La Salopette reduce the weight on the waist and ensure good support during each movement.

To do a tough job like logging, proper dressing is essential . Choosing the site for felling trees in the forest, operating heavy machinery and making decisions on the spot require mental and physical comfort . Dungarees are unequivocally the best uniform for lumberjacks!

Modern Lumberjack Overalls

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